FRIENDLY REMINDER > Archuleta Registration for SY 2024-25 >
08/01/24, 11:03 AM
FRIENDLY REMINDER > Archuleta Registration for SY 2024-25 >
Online Registration is ONGOING >
If your student is a returning 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th grader, then families should complete the annual process of providing and updating student and family information on file, including emergency contacts, health information and more. Please secure your student’s spot by completing this online registration / verification process through the parent portal. Please click on Parent Portal, click on “See All Apps,” then click on “Online Registration” to verify or update your student’s information. Online registration can only be completed by the parent/guardian listed in the primary household of the student record. More information can be found on this Family Navigation Guide.
We also have in-person registration on the following dates.
In-Person Registration Dates:
If you have registered online, you need not come.
August 2, 2024 (Friday), 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
August 5, 2024 (Monday), 12 pm - 6 pm
If you have any questions, please email Dede Maestas at or Patricia Celaya or call the office at 720-424-9888. You may also look at our posts at the ReachWell app or visit our website at for more information.
A Message from
Lena Archuleta Elementary School