Elevate HS Sports Off-Season Training
06/03/24, 3:48 PM
Goodmorning Elevate Campus Parents & Guardians,
HS Athletics Director, Aj Thompson is here to inform you all of an opportunity we are providing for your scholars this summer to work on their athletic skills tailored to the sport of choice they have interest in trying out for during the 24-25 school year. With that being said the Elevate HS athletics coaches are dedicating a week of their time during the month of July in order for your student-athlete to partake in some off-season training. Off-season training is the best strategy for your scholar to develop their skills, meet their potential HS coaches/teammates as well as strengthen and condition their bodies for their upcoming season. We would like to extend the invitation to all 8th-12grade Elevate campus students interested in participating in HS athletics. If your child is either entering the 8th grade-12th grade this opportunity is tailored for them. With that being said please speak with your scholar to see if this is something that they are interested in as I personally would encourage them to attend as many offseason training sessions as possible. Attending will increase Elevate student-athletes chances of making the final roster cuts for their respective sport during the 24-25 school year as our sports teams are growing and becoming more competitive to earn a spot on the team each year. Please use the QR code below to register for offseason training once that is complete either myself or one of our coaches will reach out to you or your scholar with logistics surrounding our first training sessions. Feel free to contact AD Coach Thompson with any further questions or concerns regarding HS Athletics
Have a great summer break!
Elevate Athletics
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