Teller Elementary School

Important info - health alert

04/23/24, 12:56 PM

Earlier today, we learned about a nationwide health alert issued by the USDA for ground beef. We have stocked ground beef twice this month and so we immediately took steps to assess if we had any of the affected product in our pantry. We want to assure you that none of the items we have obtained this month (since the 3/28/24 production date noted in the alert) meet the product descriptions for the items in the alert. Details can be found here, USDA FSIS alert info if you are interested in learning more.

And since we have your attention - please come and pick up some laundry detergent! We picked up a donation yesterday of over 1,000 pounds of liquid detergent!! Remember that the Teller Pantry is for every current Teller family, no questions asked!  We don't have the room to store it long term so come and get some!