Teller Elementary School

Note from the Teller PTA- Please Read ASAP!

02/29/24, 5:25 PM


Teller Community-


We appreciate the generosity over the last few weeks and are making one last request to help us stay on TRACK.  The FUN RUN is so vital to our school because:


1. It’s FUN!! It energizes the students and staff as winter wanes and spring fever approaches.

2. The FUNds go to support our kids. We need your help to FUNdraise for all the things that make teller special- art, music, para support, interventionists, GT resources, mental health services, a school nurse and so much more.

3. Time is RUNning short.  Visit Booster today to show your support. All contributions help get us across the FUNish line.


Let’s do this together on the count of three…1, 2, 3…TEAM TELLER!!!!


Katie Aring
Teller PTA President-Elect
Ben (3rd)& Abby (1st)