Farrell B. Howell ECE-8 School

Helpful Information on Suicide Prevention

10/12/22, 4:04 PM

Hello Howell Parents, 
Every year, Denver Public Schools teaches students and parents the suicide prevention curriculum called "Signs of Suicide" (SOS).

Attached to this message, you will find parent-training-videos on youth-suicide-prevention in English and Spanish. Please watch the video to learn more about suicide amongst young people, and how to support them.

-Capacitación para padres SOS en español

-English SOS Parent Training

Lastly, here are two resources we share to promote the safety of our community:
-If you have any safety concerns for members of our community and would like to report them anonymously, please visit Safe to Tell to report your concern: www.safe2tell.org 

-If you or someone you know, needs support regarding suicidal thoughts, please call the national suicide prevention 24/7 hotline:
1-800 -273-8255


Feel free to reach out to Farrell B. Howell's Mental health team if you have any follow-up questions or concerns.



Ammiel Ortiz, Therapeutic Service Provider