Farrell B. Howell ECE-8 School

Incident after school on Friday 10/10

10/10/22, 6:03 PM

Oct. 10, 2022

Dear Howell ECE-8 families,  
We are committed to letting you know about incidents that affect our school and the community. At dismissal time this past Friday, an adult male was making inappropriate comments to some of our female students. At one point, the man grabbed a female student’s hand and kissed it. This contact was unwanted and inappropriate. 

Denver Public Schools Department of Safety and Denver police responded. The man was contacted by officers and Denver police are investigating. The man is no longer allowed at our school. 

We are doing what we can to support our students, educators and family members who are having to deal with these unfortunate circumstances. We will continue to support them as needed.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.  

Rachel Massey