Farrell B. Howell ECE-8 School

Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS)

07/18/22, 4:48 PM

Dear Parents and Guardians, 
On September 13th, 2021 our school implemented a universal social/emotional online screening called Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS) for the students at Farrell B. Howell.
The BESS will help us identify students who need additional attention, so we can adjust our support to better meet the student's needs. This online screening tool should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Parents, teachers and students are all be asked to complete this screening questionnaire. More information on the screening tool can be be seen in the informational form attached to this message.
Know that taking part in the BESS is not mandatory. If you wish that your child will not complete the BESS, simply sign and return the form attached to this message.
If you have any questions, contact Ammiel Ortiz- Therapeutic Services Provider at phone: 720-424-2744 or email: ammiel_ortiz@dpsk12.org
Click the following link to complete questionnaire (must be completed before October 22nd)
-Parent screener URL: https://review360connect.com/Prod/DenverPublicSchools/Parent
-Student screener (only if your child is 8 years-old or older) URL: https://review360connect.com/Prod/DenverPublicSchools/Student 

Attachment: 16336252595560_English_Spanish_BESS_passive_consent_form.pdf