DSST: College View High School


12/06/22, 11:02 AM

Good Morning, Wolves!! 

THANK YOU to everyone who has either donated or sponsored a family/ child so far! This is a final push to encourage you all to participate in the Toy Drive in some way- there are SO many families in our community that this has an enormous impact on! See below for the ways you can get involved:

1.       Sponsoring a family, or just a single child:

a.       View this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YzUpBAYRkgPanGiWFVYdZ_tYPzTRQOhbSoTuxqUPrao/edit?usp=sharing   

                                                               i.      Put your name & email address next to family/ child you would like to sponsor

                                                             ii.      In each row you can see what the parents/ guardians have requested. If you need further details, please contact me directly!

                                                           iii.      This sheet will lock at 12pm THIS FRIDAY (12/9)

b.      All gifts are due by EOD Monday 12/12, or by 3pm on Tuesday 12/13 if you wish to wrap them yourselves

                                                               i.      If you don’t feel like wrapping, that’s more than ok! We have volunteers willing to help wrap the gifts you buy for you

                                                             ii.      If you live for wrapping presents and want to help with that, then you can join us on Monday, 12/12 in the MS Commons from 4-5pm!

c.       When you are labeling gifts, please just label them with a post it or a label for the family number and the letter for the child.

                                                               i.      EX: Label/ note would read: “12A”

2.       If you don’t have time to purchase gifts, you can make a financial donation to the cause! This money is used to purchase gifts for unsponsored families/ children & to purchase gift cards for families in the community who need the extra help during the holiday season. Here is the page to make a donation:

a.       https://www.dsstpublicschools.org/dsst-collegeview-middle-school/toydrive 

THANK YOU, WOLVES! Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns!

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