KIPP Northeast Denver Middle School

KNDMS Family Conferences

10/12/22, 11:31 AM

It is time for our Fall Family Conferences. At KNDMS, all families can request a conference that will be held between October 13th and October 25th.  We offer several types of conferences for your convenience, all of which need to be scheduled with grade level teachers ahead of time:

  • Email, text/ Talking Points and Zoom conferences are open to all families in the window of October 13-25th.
  • In person conferences on October 13th are reserved for mandatory conferences called by the grade level for greater concerns. Grade level teams will be reaching out to schedule these this week.
For all other conferences (email or text/ Talking Points, Zoom), please use this form to indicate your preferences. Be sure to include questions or comments in this form.. All conferences will be answered by the grade level team or a specific teacher you might have questions for.
We are looking forward to touching base with you on your student's progress!

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