Madison Elementary School

ASDU (Annual Student Data Update) for your student(s) through the Parent Portal

07/13/23, 10:26 AM

We hope you are having a fun and relaxing summer building memories with your family and friends!


Due to construction going on in the building this summer our office is only able to assist via phone until closer to the beginning of August. If you are needing assistance please call us at 970-348-1700 or 970-348-1701. 


If you have not already done so, please take a moment to complete the ASDU (Annual Student Data Update) for your student(s) through the Parent Portal. Instructions are attached to this email. This should be completed as soon as possible but prior to the beginning of school. It is important that we have your updated family information to ensure you are getting proper communication on important information from James Madison STEAM Academy throughout the year. 

Thank you and enjoy the rest of your summer! 


Attachment: 16892655347534_ASDU_FAQ_1.pdf

Attachment: 16892655347636_Campus_Parent_-_Spanish.pdf

Attachment: 16892655349514_ASDU_Getting_Started_Eng_and_Sp.pdf

Attachment: 16892655351520_unnamed_3.jpg