Madison Elementary School

Choir Winter Concert 12/15

12/06/22, 2:02 PM

Choir concert NEXT WEEK!  
When?  Thursday, December 15th 6:00 PM
Where?  Madison Gym
What time do we get there?  5:45 PM
What should my scholar wear?  Choir shirt, school uniform pants (NO JEANS please).  Holiday accessories are OK (santa hat, scarf, jewelry etc).

Attendance policy:  Scholars who are excused from school are also excused from choir and choir events.  If they are at school but do not attend rehearsal or a concert, they need to speak to me for permission to miss.  Unexcused absences from rehearsal will result in removal from choir.  Thanks for your help and understanding with this.  It's been a wonderful semester of singing and music making!