DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

Fire Alarm 4.22.24

04/22/24, 2:12 PM

Dear DSST: Elevate families,

We are again experiencing issues with our fire alarm system. The alarm began malfunctioning this afternoon at about 1 p.m., and the students and staff immediately evacuated outside.

We are working with the system operator Cintas to resolve the issue as soon as possible and anticipate that we should not have any further issues after today. In the meantime, we are able to silence the alarm when it goes off to minimize the interruption to instruction and also are monitoring the system to ensure building safety.

We appreciate your partnership and again are so proud of our scholars and staff for handling this abnormal situation with grace and by exemplifying our Core Values. 


If you have any questions, please reach out to Briana Mesa at briana.mesa@scienceandtech.org or Denisse Guiterrez at denisse.gutierrez@scienceandtech.org


Thank you,

Briana Mesa and Jamilah Scott

DSST: Elevate Northeast