DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

Fire Alarm Update

04/18/24, 1:04 PM

Dear DSST: Elevate families,


As you saw in this morning’s email, we have been experiencing issues with our building’s fire alarm system today. The alarm has continued to go off, and we have had to evacuate a total of four times. We are currently working with the system tech and our DSST operations team, and they were able to turn off the alarm sound, though the strobe lights continued to flash for a period of about 30 minutes. At this time, the alarm and lights are off and the fire alarm system has been re-wired to bypass the broken sensor. We are working with the Denver Fire Department to determine the best next steps and resolve the issue as soon as possible. 


We are committed to continuing the school day and ensuring our students continue to learn. We will be completing the school day today as planned and are planning on a normal school day tomorrow. We will update you as soon as possible if this issue is not resolved and tomorrow will be affected.


Our staff and students responded to this situation in a way that exemplified our core values of Respect and Doing Your Best by evacuating our building safely and returning as quickly as possible to resume learning. We are proud of our Bulldogs! 


If you have any questions, please reach out to Briana Mesa at briana.mesa@scienceandtech.org or Denisse Guiterrez at denisse.gutierrez@scienceandtech.org


Thank you,

Briana Mesa and Jamilah Scott

DSST: Elevate Northeast