DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

PSAT Testing Reminder

04/10/24, 11:43 AM


This is a reminder that DSST students in grades 9-11 will be taking their OFFICIAL P/SAT on Wednesday, April 17th. This is their official state assessment for the year.

·       Please help your student(s) be on time to school that day, with their computer, charger, planner, and something to write with.

·       Students will be released from testing to go to lunch on a staggered schedule, by grade level.

·       All students will be dismissed from school at the normal Wednesday time (1:30), this includes students with extended time.

The PSAT and SAT focus on concepts and skills that matter for college and career readiness. They are designed to inform instruction and ultimately help improve student outcomes. These assessments are aligned to the Colorado Academic Standards and provide students with benefits including free, high-quality practice tools and scores that can be used for college and scholarship applications. Strong testing will help a student’s chances of getting into selective schools and making college more affordable. The tests also help identify students who are falling behind so teachers can intervene, and they can provide indicators of students’ readiness for advanced coursework and to keep them on target for college and career. 

Please reach out to Mackenzie Grimstad with questions/concerns: mackenzie.grimstad@scienceandtech.org


DSST Elevate NE High School