DSST: Elevate Northeast High School


03/04/24, 12:47 PM

Hello Bulldog Families,

We need your help. We are asking every family to complete the Spring family survey. Feedback that we receive is crucial because it helps identify key areas of improvement, and ultimately holds us accountable for your student's experience at DSST: Elevate NE HS.  We can't improve or grow if you don't share your perspective and provide valuable feedback or We realize that we've sent these messages a number of times, however, only 33% of DSST: Elevate HS families have completed the Spring Family Survey. We really need the support of our entire school community to help us increase our level of participation. Completing the survey is a way for families to feel empowered to share their perspectives and play a role in effectuating change in our school community. Please help us meet our goal of 40% of family participation. Families that complete the DSST Network Spring Family Survey will be entered into a drawing for two FREE tickets to the Denver Nuggets vs. Phoenix Sun game on Wednesday, March 27th and a $100 gift card. Families must complete the survey in full and enter their names and contact information to be eligible for the drawing. We appreciate your voice and your help.

Jalen Hughes I Community Engagement Recruiting Manager

DSST: Elevate Northeast High School | DSST: Elevate Northeast Middle School

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