DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

Summer Programs

03/01/24, 9:39 AM

Hello Bulldog Families,

I hope you are all doing well as we approach the end of the school year!

As the summer gets closer, summer program applications have begun to open up. Students have been learning more about what is available to them in their morning meetings, advisory, and college seminar spaces. 

So far, we have about 70 summer program applications sent, with the vast majority being sent by Freshmen, shoutout to them!!

Summer programs are a great way to begin building resumes. Along with their college/job applications, students will need to send a copy of their resume highlighting their job experience (including their 11th-grade internship), extracurriculars (clubs/sports/home duties/summer programs/etc), and skills they have developed. 

Check-in with your student to see if they are interested in applying for a summer program! Summer programs can be found via OverGrad or Google. I recommend googling things like “engineering summer program Denver” or “art summer program Colorado.” There are SO MANY out there and we really want to support our students in developing themselves through programs like these and building connections with college campuses early!

Here are some priority summer programs that DSST: Home Office highlights:

9th-Rising Sophomores

  • CU Denver Lynx Art Camp - programs in music/photography/film/art are available
  • ArtLab - internship for aspiring artists, summer and during school year
  • Engineering Your World @ CSU Spur - week long collaborative STEM program
  • Summer Teen Volunteer @ Botanic Gardens - volunteer at least once a week
  • Junior Achievement Business Bound - week long business and entrepreneurship program
  • HS2: Summer Stem Program - STEM focused summer in Carbondale
  • Minds Matter - College mentorship program focused on skill development
  • OUT OF STATE: WPI Frontiers Program - STEM programming at college outside of Boston
  • OUT OF STATE: Girls Who Code Immersion Program (Virtual) - learn to game design in virtual class

10th-Rising Juniors

  • Medical Career Collaborative (MC^2) - hospital internship at Denver Health and a 3 year long program to support entering the medical field
  • CU Denver Lynx Art Camp - programs in music/photography/film/art are available
  • SUMMET @ CO School of Mines - week long STEM class living on Mines’ campus
  • DMNS Teen Science Scholar - paid 9-5 internship in any museum department
  • DU Pioneer Prep Leadership Institute - cultural leadership & college access
  • ACCESS Opportunity - expert college and financial aid counseling
  • HOBY Colorado Leadership Seminar - improve leadership skills
  • Engineering Your World @ CSU Spur - week long collaborative STEM program
  • Summer Teen Volunteer @ Botanic Gardens - volunteer at least once a week
  • Junior Achievement Business Bound - week long business and entrepreneurship program
  • ENVISION Engineering at CSU - week long residential STEM program at CSU
  • Colorado Health Careers Academy 
  • OUT OF STATE: WPI Frontiers Program - STEM programming at college outside of Boston
  • OUT OF STATE: Girls Who Code Immersion Program (Virtual) - learn to game design in virtual class

11th-Rising Seniors

  • ENVISION Engineering at CSU - week long residential STEM program at CSU
  • CU Denver Lynx Art Camp - programs in music/photography/film/art are available 
  • Colorado Health Careers Academy - paid virtual internship in medicine
  • DMNS Teen Science Scholar - paid 9-5 internship in any museum department
  • DU Pioneer Prep Leadership Institute - cultural leadership & college access
  • CU Boulder EngiNearme - free engineering program at Boulder with a potential scholarship
  • CU Boulder KeyBank Business Program - free residential business program
  • QuestBridge College Prep Scholars - program preparing for future QB students
  • Generation Teach - paid opportunity to teach over the summer
  • Summer Teen Volunteer @ Botanic Gardens - volunteer at least once a week
  • Junior Achievement Business Bound - week long business and entrepreneurship program
  • OUT OF STATE: WPI Frontiers Program - STEM programming at college outside of Boston
  • OUT OF STATE: Girls Who Code Immersion Program (Virtual) - learn to game design in virtual class


Please reach out if you have any questions! Most summer program applications are due by mid-March, but please encourage scholars to continue or start working on them now so they aren’t rushing at the last minute. 


In partnership,


Guillermo Vela

Manager of College Success - Internships
