DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

Elevate Campus Safety Notification

02/21/24, 5:36 PM

February 21, 2024


Dear DSST: Elevate Families-


It is our priority to keep you informed of incidents related to school safety. Today around 4pm we were notified of a threat to campus made via an anonymous social media post.  The social media post claimed that there were explosives located inside lockers on campus.  Upon notification of this post, DSST: Elevate administrators immediately contacted DPS Safety & Security, and were advised to move all staff and students on campus to the cafeteria, and ultimately the school parking lot. At this time, very few students and some staff were on campus, as dismissal had occurred earlier in the day at 1:30pm.  


In partnership with the Denver Police Department & DPS Safety & Security- the building was evaluated by a canine bomb unit and deemed safe for occupancy.  No explosives or safety concerns were located on campus, and all students and staff were safe.  As a result, school will be in session as previously planned for tomorrow, Thursday, February 22nd.  


Should you have any information regarding the anonymous social media post, or questions or concerns regarding this situation - please reach out to the Elevate MS or HS administrative teams. We encourage families to monitor student social media activity and for students and community members to report to us immediately anything suspicious or concerns or contact Safe2Tell at (877) 542-7233.


In partnership,


Briana Mesa & Travonda Favorite

School Directors

DSST: Elevate Northeast Middle & High School