DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

2/6 Lockdown and Secure Drill

02/06/24, 10:13 AM

Dear DSST: Elevate Families,


Today, February 6th, the DPS Department of Safety came to perform a Lockdown and Secure drill for our campus. A Lockdown is performed when there is an imminent threat in the area in or around the school. In such an event students and staff duck out of sight in the classroom and all classroom and exterior doors are locked. This drill is performed twice a year with the first 30 days of both semesters. These are not scheduled and can occur at any moment during the school day.


Our staff and students were told by DPS Safety and Security personnel that we did a “phenomenal” job today executing the drill. Rooms were calm and teachers did a great job of getting students into a safe place where they would be out of sight. I want to commend all of them for taking this drill seriously.


Please know that we take the safety of your students seriously. We do everything possible to plan for and practice emergency situations. We ask for your help by talking to your student about the importance of these safety drills so that with their help our staff can do everything in our power to keep them safe in the event a true emergency were to occur. 


Please reach out to out with further questions or clarifications at dsstelevate@scienceandtech.org


DSST Elevate Northeast Campus