DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

PSAT 9 and PSAT 10 on Wednesday, April 12th!

04/10/23, 5:24 PM

Hello DSST Elevate NE High School Families, 

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out this evening to remind you and your student that the PSAT 9 and PSAT 10 will be taking place on Wednesday, April 12th.

As stated in previous messages, attendance is very important! Having your student arrive to school on time ensures that they are able to take the test (we are not able to allow late students to enter testing rooms once the exam has started), something they have been working all year to prepare for.

Over the past couple of weeks, teachers and students have really focused on the content standards featured on the PSAT. Whether students practiced these content areas through direct PSAT questions or by working on skills embedded in their daily work, our community is ready! 

As a reminder, dismissal will still take place at the normal Wednesday time of 1:30pm. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Thank you and Go Bulldogs!

-Kelsey Clark

Director of College Success - Site Assessment Lead 

DSST Elevate Northeast High School