DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

Official PSAT April 12, 2023!

03/17/23, 7:46 AM

Dear DSST Elevate NE High School Families,


I hope this message finds you well. My name is Kelsey Clark and I am the Site Assessment Lead (SAL) at DSST Elevate NE HS this year. I am reaching out to share some important information about the PSAT8/9 and PSAT 10 that our students will take on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at DSST Elevate NE HS.


The PSAT 8/9 and PSAT 10 are important exams. The PSAT that our students will take at Elevate on April 12th is sponsored by the state of Colorado. The week of April 12, every high school student across the state will take the PSAT or SAT. Not only do these exams help students to identify academic areas of strength, academic areas of growth, and college readiness, the completion of the PSAT also helps to support our school.


Attendance leading up to this exam, and on the day of, is extremely important. One of the factors considered in the state performance ranking is participation on state-mandated tests. Having below 95% participation will endanger our rating of Green from the 21-22 academic year (the highest rating that a school can achieve is Green). Ensuring that your student attends school on Wednesday, April 12th for the PSAT will continue to support the strong work that our students are doing on a daily basis, and elevate it to the state.


Although our students’ senior years of high school and college applications feel far away, there are things that they can be working on right now to prepare for this step – do well on the PSAT! Many colleges and scholarship programs require SAT scores from applicants. Taking the PSAT, building test-taking strategies, and learning what to expect of the exam are all ways that our students can get ready for the SAT, which they will take in 11th grade. We believe that students do their best work when there are no surprises, and the staff at DSST Elevate NE HS is doing what we can to ensure that our students are ready for April 12th.


If you have any questions about the PSAT, about testing, or about the college application process in general, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Wednesday, April 12th is the big day!


Best Regards,


Kelsey Clark