DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

Director's Note 3/9

03/09/23, 3:55 PM





Española abajo

Director's Note

Hello Bulldog Families, 

As we continue to celebrate Women’s History Month and move into spring, I have been inspired by this quote from Oprah, “This is your moment. Own it!” Spring is a time of excitement, growth and renewal. Traditionally, spring is a busy time in schools and his year is no different. We are excited to see students owning their learning, growth and impact on our community. We are excited to share growth and set goals with you at our upcoming family conferences. We are excited for our students to show the incredible growth they have made this year on upcoming ANET, CMAS and P/SAT. We are excited to continue to establish ourselves in the community by continuing to host events such as the Mayoral Debate that is happening this evening.  We are excited to cheer our students on at spring sporting events. What are you and your families excited about as we head into the spring? How can you share that excitement with us so that we can all grow together? 


Thank you for partnering with us!

Mrs. Mesa


Hola familias de Bulldogs,

A medida que continuamos celebrando el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer y avanzando hacia la primavera, me ha inspirado esta cita de Oprah: “Este es tu momento. ¡Haz lo tuyo!" La primavera es una época de entusiasmo, crecimiento y renovación. Tradicionalmente, la primavera es una época muy ocupada en las escuelas y este año no es diferente. Estamos emocionados de ver a los estudiantes ser dueños de su aprendizaje, crecimiento e impacto en nuestra comunidad. Estamos emocionados de compartir el crecimiento y establecer metas con usted en nuestras próximas conferencias familiares. Estamos emocionados de que nuestros estudiantes muestren el increíble crecimiento que han logrado este año en los próximos ANET, CMAS y P/SAT. Estamos entusiasmados de continuar estableciéndonos en la comunidad al continuar organizando eventos como el Debate de la Alcaldía que se llevará a cabo esta noche. Estamos emocionados de animar a nuestros estudiantes en los eventos deportivos de primavera. ¿Qué les entusiasma a usted y a sus familias a medida que nos acercamos a la primavera? ¿Cómo puedes compartir esa emoción con nosotros para que todos podamos crecer juntos?


¡Gracias por asociarse con nosotros!

Señora Mesa



Middle School Calendar & Events


Parent Teacher Conferences (MS only) LINK to Sign Up

Early Release @ 12:00 pm 

March 10th 


Spring Clubs Start

March 13th 


ANET Testing

March 15th and 16th 


Dress Down Day

March 17th 


Trimester 2 Awards - Breakfast 

March 21st - 8:30- 9:30am 


Grade Level Picture Day Click HERE to purchase pictures

March 22nd 


No School - Professional Developement for Staff

March 24th 



Boys Basketball Post Tournament 

3/11 Time: First Game is at 9:00am Location: DSST GVR

  • $5 adults

  • $3 students


DSST Middle School Leauge: Boys Basketball All-Star Game in Gym 

3/14 @ 5:30


High School Calendar & Events


Movie night with Mr. Hart in the HS Cafeteria 

March 10th 4:00-6:00pm 


Parent Teacher Conferences (HS only) LINK to Sign Up

After School

March 16th 


NO SCHOOL - Parent Teacher Conferences (HS only) LINK to Sign Up

March 17th 


Trimester 2 Awards Click HERE to view details

March 20th - 5:30-6:30


Grade Level Picture Day Click HERE to purchase pictures

March 22nd 





Community Events


Mayoral Forum Hosted by MOC & Transit Exchange in Gym

March 9th - 6:00-8:00pm


Spanish Financial Lit Workshop (2 out of 4) 

Saving for retirement and goals

March 14th - 5:00-6:00pm


English Financial Lit Workshop (3 out of 4) 

Investing 101

March 16th - 5:00-6:00pm


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