DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

New Traffic Flow Reminder

10/13/22, 4:56 PM

Greetings Bulldog Parents and Guardians,

This is a reminder that our traffic flow will be changing next week, starting on Tuesday. Click on the link below to view the updates. 

English: https://3379430.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/3379430/10-13%20Traffic%20Flow%20Reminder.pdf 

Spanish: https://3379430.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/3379430/10-13%20Traffic%20Flow%20Reminder%20-%20Spanish.pdf 

Feel free to reach out to our front office via email at dsstelevate@scienceandtech.org or by phone at 303-524-6355.

DSST Elevate NE