Kunsmiller Creative Arts Middle

Important!! Principal Selection Update

02/29/24, 2:40 PM

Dear KCAA Families,


Please read the letter attached at the bottom of this message (Spanish and Vietnamese versions are also provided). This letter has important information regrading the principal selection process and the virtual community forum this Monday, March 4 from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m., and the Meet and Greet on Tuesday, March 5 from 3:20 - 4:15 p.m. 

Attachment: 17092427174034_KCAA_Principal_Hiring_Community_Events_and_Survey_2_Vietnamese.pdf

Attachment: 17092427174179_KCAA_Principal_Hiring_Community_Events_and_Survey_2_Spanish.pdf

Attachment: 17092427174185_KCAA_Principal_Hiring_Community_Events_and_Survey_2_English.pdf