Kunsmiller Creative Arts Middle

Letter from Principal Peter Castillo

10/27/22, 4:07 PM

Good Afternoon KCAA,
As many of you know, today was a complicated day. I would like to first reassure all that, after working with our district resources, there was no credible threat to our school or our students. Our school, with support from our district, was following all of our standard protocols. The non-credible threat was sent through Social media. I would like to strongly encourage all parents and guardians to monitor your students access to Social media tools and apps. If you see or hear anything, please contact our Dean of Culture, Ms. Alexis SIlvas. As we can see, non-credible posts and communications can cause a massive disruption in school and for all school activities. My goal has always been to make sure we have a safe, positive learning environment where students can explore their creativity and love of arts. To insure all of you, the following measures will be put in place tomorrow:
  • We will have a normal school day tomorrow (Friday 10/28).
  • Tomorrow's Haunted Hallways events has been postponed to a later date.
  • We are receiving extra presence from DPS Safety & Security.
  • We will check in with DPD on any updates. 
  • Our fully-staffed Mental Health team will be available for staff and students as needed 
If you have any information please feel free to contact the school (Ms. SIlvas), Denver Safety & Security or DPD. 
Thank you all for helping make our school safe.
Peter Castillo
Executive Principal
Kunsmiller Creative Arts Academy